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Spirit Attachments

Spirit Attachments

How Spirit Attachment Can Occur?

An attached spirit may be present without producing noticeable symptoms. A spirit attachment can be benevolent in nature, self-serving, malevolent, or completely neutral. An attachment to a person may be random, even accidental. It can occur simply because of physical proximity to a dying person.

​A spirit attachment is the earthbound spirit of a deceased person who (for various reasons) refuses to cross over to the other side. One of these reasons may be confusion: not being in the physical body and not yet in the light of the other side, a state of being often referred to as the in between stage. While in this in between stage, some earthbound spirits look for a physical vessel to attach themselves to in order to remain attached to the physical world, the only world they know at this point in time. The attached spirit may be a family member, friend, acquaintance, or a total stranger. When you are spiritually open, your inner light is like a beacon, a lighthouse in the darkness to these spirits. Naturally, your light, whether you like it or not, will attract them and you will become their hope to return home. You can easily pick up an earthbound spirit in hospitals, hospice centers, cemeteries, antique shops and shows, haunted places (usually where something tragic occurred), places where people committed suicide, war/battle fields and monuments, etc. Time frame does not matter in spirit world.

However, connection with a spirit may be the purposeful choice of either the entity or the living human due to an emotional bond between them in this life or in a previous lifetime together. In about half the cases of spirit attachment discovered in clinical practice, some association can be found, some unfinished business between them.

What is Spirit Attachment?

Spirit Attachment also goes by other names such as Earth Bound Spirits, Negative Energy Attachments, Discarnate Entities, Spirit Invasion etc. Spirit invasions, by the souls of deceased individuals or fragments of them, are normally lost and in a state of confusion. Many practitioners in the past differentiated between spirit possession and spirit attachment in order to keep religious leaders happy that it does not encroach on the work of religious exorcism. Spirit attachment implies connection, clinging, holding, a parasitic invasion of the host and this is a much more accurate description of the condition. In the classic description of spirit attachment or possession, the living person is possessed by the spirit of a deceased person.

However, this does not mean that the possessed or attached individual (infestation or possession can also happen for a home, land, trees or animals) will appear like a  zombie or what is usually shown in movies. Possessed individuals appear just like any other normal persons but with many physical mental and behavioral eccentricities.

Clinical evidence suggests that discarnate entities can and do influence living people. This condition has been called "possession," "possession state," "spirit possession syndrome," "spirit obsession," and "spirit attachment."' More recently, the term "dissociative trance disorder" was included in an appendix of the DSM-IV, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association, fourth edition. The APA establishes the diagnostic criteria and terminology for mental disorders. The definition of the disorder is a clear description of spirit or entity possession.

The attached entity (or entities-rarely is there just one) uses the energy of the host. A living person can have dozens, even hundreds, of attached entities, as these occupy no physical space. The host usually feels a drain of energy and may notice some clouding of thought. Chronic minor fatigue may be the most universal symptom of spirit attachment.

Although it seems to be a violation of free will, spirit attachment does not require the permission of the host. This appears to refute the popular belief that each person is responsible for creating his or her reality; there are no victims. The apparent conflict stems from the definitions of permission and free will choice. Ignorance or denial of spirit interference is no defense against spirit attachment. Belief or disbelief about the existence of intrusive entities has no bearing on their reality or behavior.

Other names for Spirit Attachments

Psychic Attack involves an external energy which negatively impacts on our sense of wellbeing. It can therefore come from environmental factors as well as from living people.

Spirit Attachment is the presence of a living or deceased entity in the aura or energy field of a person and sometimes an object.

Possession is where an entity has entered the person’s body and is lodged within.

Haunting is the term most often applied to buildings, sites or objects and involves for example, ghosts, poltergeists and imprints.

Soul retrieval signifies the bringing back of a fragment of the Self that has left at a time of trauma and although still attached energetically to the person is disconnected from the consciousness. Fragments need to be re-integrated and not removed, so exact identification of the issue is essential.

Soul rescue is a term that can mean either spirit release or soul retrieval. Some therapists differentiate between release as meaning the removal of an invading spirit while rescue indicates the removal of a trapped spirit. The difference being one of intention on the part of the entity.

Exorcism is utilized today mainly by the Catholic Church. Many churches of other denominations prefer to use the term deliverance. Deliverance involves the recital of prayers with the person affected. Exorcism is carried out by a specially trained Catholic priest who performs the prescribed Rite of Exorcism which includes formal prayers and rituals designed to forcibly expel the spirit which is invariably viewed as evil. When asked if we do exorcisms, we say “no” as we do not hold the view that all entities are malevolent nor that people with attachments are at fault and should be made to feel guilty. It is true that spirits attach to us if we have an energy they need, for example an angry spirit may attach to an angry person. However, we have also come across cases where the person has simply been in the wrong place at the wrong time or there has been a karmic issue to be resolved through the experience of having a spirit attachment.

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